Global Almond Trade (GAT) is an online trading platform designed to provide credible reference prices for wholesale almonds and almond products.
Launched in 2024, the GAT platform was designed by CRA International and key participants in the almond industry, including growers, processors, traders, and buyers.
Through the GAT platform …
✓ Sellers gain access to a global pool of buyers and can be confident that their product sells for market-based prices.
✓ Buyers gain access to products from multiple suppliers and multiple regions, and know that they will never pay more than any other successful bidder for the same product.
The GAT platform is intended to provide a convenient and efficient way for buyers and sellers to trade almonds and related products, complementing other purchase and sales channels for almond products.
By establishing credible market prices, the platform provides industry participants with reference price information that improves the efficiency of the marketplace even for products not directly offered through GAT trading events.
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✓ Subscribe to GAT email notifications.
✓ Register interest in participating as a seller and/or a buyer.